Treatment of Keratoconus

What is keratoconus:

Keratoconus is considered one of the most dangerous diseases of the cornea of the eye, which requires early diagnosis to avoid loss of vision in its advanced stages. Keratoconus occurs as a result of a weakness in the corneal tissue, which leads to the cornea protruding so that the shape of the eye changes and becomes conical, which results in light being reflected on the retina. Irregular points are known as irregular astigmatism.

Keratoconus often occurs in the early twenties, affects both eyes but is worse in one of them, and develops faster the younger it begins.


There are many causes of keratoconus, most of which are hereditary and some are acquired, such as:

– Family history, which is a direct cause of keratoconus

-frequent eye rubbing

 – Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays

 – Defect in enzymes  found in the cornea

Early diagnosis:

Early diagnosis depends on regular eye examination, especially in people with a family history. The treating physician performs a corneal topography examination to confirm the diagnosis

Treatment of keratoconus:


Keratoconus cannot be treated with eye drops or medications, but several methods are used to slow or stop the progression of the condition

– In the early stages:

It is sufficient to perform a corneal stabilization procedure using ultraviolet rays and riboflavin in order to strengthen the bonds between the corneal fibers and prevent the progression of the disease.

– In the middle stages:

The cornea is stabilized with the implantation of intraocular lenses or the implantation of rings inside the cornea to treat irregular astigmatism, and the process of implanting the rings is performed using femtolaser technology.

Inadvanced stages:
 A layered or total corneal transplant is performed.



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