What is glaucoma:
Glaucoma is high eye pressure that leads to loss of visual field in the initial stages, followed by a gradual weakening of vision and then complete loss of sight as a result of optic nerve atrophy in the advanced stages.
Why is glaucoma called the thief of sight?
Because in the early stages of the disease, the patient does not suffer from any symptoms, whether eye redness or eye pain, and the patient does not feel sick except in its advanced stages as a result of the weakness of the optic nerve.
Who is most at riskof glaucoma?
-Having a family history of glaucoma.
-Getting older.
-Eye injuries.
– Some chronic diseases such as: diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
– Incorrect use of some medications such as cortisone for a long period
How to preventglaucoma?</strong >
Glaucoma can be prevented through regular examination by an ophthalmologist, where eye pressure is measured and the optic nerve is examined, and some other examinations may be used, such as visual field and CT scaneOn the optic nerve
Treatment depends on the type of glaucoma that the patient suffers from:
– Eye drops to reduce eye pressure.
– Laser treatment, which is used as an adjuvant treatment for eye drops.
– Surgery in advanced cases of high intraocular pressure.